KOOKSOONDANG puts human beings on the front burner before brewing wine.

Project to Reinstate Our Traditional Wine

A Project for Reviving Traditional Korean Wines

Kook Soon Dang revives the traditional Korean wines, which have already been forgotten. Kook Soon Dang has revived the traditional Korean wines that have already been forgotten, dating back to the period of the Japanese occupation, and has showcased them in Bekseju Village.

Our Korean ancestors used to brew wines with ingredients that had been produced during certain seasons, and the brewing method differed from one province or family to another. This is called “Gayangju culture”. Since time immemorial, therefore, the kinds of wines in Korea have already been very diverse, but during the Japanese occupation and the war that ensued after the liberation, and in the process of economic development, many of these wines disappeared. At present, there are 600 kinds of wines that we still have records of.

To systematically revive and reinterpret the culture of traditional Korean wines and the side dishes for wines that are already in danger of disappearing, Kook Soon Dang carried out the “Project for Reviving Traditional Korean Wines” to fulfill its responsibility as the leading company in the traditional-wine industry, and to modify the current twisted drinking culture in the country.

The first revival was accomplished in 2008. Different kinds of sesiju or wines related to the four seasons and folk customs were revived. The second round of revivals was carried out in 2009, with focus on the representative wine of each era (Three Kingdoms, Koryo, Chosun dynasty).

The research laboratories of Kook Soon Dang have made the necessary preparations for the effort to revive the traditional Korean wines over a period of three years. The “Project for Reviving Traditional Korean Wines” aims to revive parts of the traditional Korean culture and the traditional Korean wines that have already been forgotten.

Changpoju The traditional Korean wine for the Dano Festival (on the fifth day of the fifth month of the year in the lunar calendar)
Ewhaju A high-class rice wine that is brewed at about the time that the flowers of pears bloom
Jaju A summer wine in the Koryo Era that people drank to cool or refresh themselves
Sindoju A rice wine that is brewed using the first rice crops of the year
Dongjeongchun The prestigious wine of the Chosun dynasty that was brewed without water
Sogokju The wine for the royal family of Baekje in the Three Kingdoms Era
Songjeolju A high-class wine that was designated as “Intangible Asset No. 2”
Yaksanchun The wine from which medicinal wine originated
Mirimju A wine of the Chosun dynasty, which was made from natural ingredients and which was so mild that even the ladies from noble families enjoyed it

국순당 대표: 배상민 / 사업자등록번호 : 124-81-14925 / 고객센터 : 080-0035-100 / 주소 : 강원도 횡성군 둔내면 강변로 975 / 강원도 횡성군 둔내면 현천리 81-3