KOOKSOONDANG vows to protect the precious traditional Korean wines and culture.

Characteristics of Our Drinking Culture

We introduce the unique characteristics of the traditional Korean wines.

They are not very common, even though the Koreans generally like wines.
Koreans drink wine on a daily basis, and their wine consumption has steadily become bigger. The Korean drinking culture has both weak and strong points. Kook Soon Dang will try to develop the strong points of the Korean drinking culture and will contribute to creating the proper drinking culture in the country.

Nuruk , The harmony of the sweet and sour tastes, Functionality , Diversity , The culture of taking liquor during mealtime , Exchanging words drinking culture , Home-brewed wines, Drinking culture all together

Nuruk Diversity Functionality Exchanging words drinking culture The culture of taking liquor during mealtime

The first thing that must be mentioned when discussing the traditional Korean wines.

The first thing that must be mentioned when discussing the traditional Korean wines. It is not an exaggeration to say that the traditional Korean wines were formed along with the development of nuruk. In Western-style brewing, there is no nuruk; fruits are fermented as they are, and if diastatic enzymes are needed, malt is used. The three East Asian countries (Korea, China, and Japan) have developed the art of brewing with nuruk. Japans nuruk is called koji, which is made by fermenting steamed and scattered rice, and then propagating aspergillus (a kind of fungus) in koji, which makes the taste sour, simple, and light. Koreas nuruk, however, is made by fermenting dough knead with wheat powder without husking, and then propagating the microorganisms in the dough where rhizopus (a fungus) and various lactic-acid bacteria grow, which produce much acid and a complex and diverse taste.

Nuruk 1Nuruk 2

국순당 대표: 배상민 / 사업자등록번호 : 124-81-14925 / 고객센터 : 080-0035-100 / 주소 : 강원도 횡성군 둔내면 강변로 975 / 강원도 횡성군 둔내면 현천리 81-3